Author InstructionsDuring this seminar, focus will be put on fire safety of façades.
Abstracts: Authors are invited to submit papers covering these topics by email (facade2016@cstb.fr) by June, 30th 2015. Abstracts should be 2 pages long. Submitted papers will receive two independent peer reviews. Authors will be notified of the decision of acceptance beginning of October 2015. Papers: The Licence Agreement can be downloaded. Authors shall fill, sign and send it back to facade2016@cstb.fr. This is needed for the publication of each of their contributions in the proceedings of 2nd International seminar for Fire Safety Façade. The proceedings will be published by EDP Sciences in both a book format and an open access journal. This choice is made to ensure a large dissemination of your work. For more details, you can visit the publisher web site: http://publications.edpsciences.org/ Poster: PowerPoint presentation:
Abstract submission deadline: 30 June 2015
Abstract acceptance: 5 October 2015
Paper submission deadline: 31 January 2016